

Aug 29th 2019

If you have a toddler, you certainly know the drama of nap time… your little one not wanting to sleep, not staying asleep, or having a hard time getting into a groove of napping regularly. We’ve all been there at some point, so to help Modern Moms out there we rounded up some tips to make nap time drama free!

1. Set a schedule: Try to have your toddler napping at the same time and place everyday. Falling asleep in the car or stroller on the way home from playgroup may disrupt their schedule and cause them to be fussy, so having a schedule in place will allow their naps to be more regular and peaceful.

2. Choose a stuffed animal or toy for naps: Have them bring their favorite stuffed animal, toy, or doll into the crib with them for naps as a comfort item to help them fall asleep. Having something familiar in the crib with them will make everyone feel a little better!

3. Establish a routine: Whether it’s reading a book, playing music, or even a bath before they lay down, a routine with quiet and soothing activities will help your toddler settle down before they hit the sack.

4. Adjust accordingly: We all know that some days, nap time at the normal time just doesn’t happen. And that’s ok! Try to adjust bedtime and nap time accordingly so that the next night (or week) they are back on track.

5. Stay calm: This is most important! Do what works for you and your little one, even if your routine or schedule is different than others the same age, always do what’s best for you and your baby will sure to be happy!

See more sleeping tips for babies in one of our previous blog posts, “Rock-A-Bye Baby: Sleeping Tips for Your Baby, From an Expert!” and comment with any tips of your own you want to add!