

Aug 29th 2019

What is the best parenting advice you’ve ever received?

When I heard the question, I immediately thought of 2:
-Overuse ‘I Love You’. I think I may have heard that from a country song.
-Count to 10 (slowly) before reacting, when necessary and if possible.

How did you choose your children’s names?
-HENRY: My mother worshiped her dad, Henry. I loved hearing the stories about how they fought over baseball – she a Dodger Fan / he a Giants fan. How he played on the same college baseball team as Lou Gehrig (also a Henry). Sadly I never got to meet him. So essentially since I was 5, I always knew I would name my son Henry. Frankly really did not care what my future husband thought. Fast forward 20 years and I meet that future husband, Walter HENRY Vohs III. Not only did I use my grandfather’s name, my husband has a namesake (a 4th!). And yes, I am that annoying mom whose son goes by his middle name.

-JAMES MICHAEL: As for my second son, we had too many ideas. We went with a family name, James Michael. I come from a large Irish family where 3rd cousins are close. The most common names among the older generation are Jim, Jack or John – including my Dad and brother. While we may have initially hemmed and hawed about names, we can not imagine a more appropriate one for him. He is such a James. If you knew him, you would understand. Not to be overlooked, his middle name, Michael, is in honor of a much beloved college friend we lost on 9/11.

Thank you to Bridget for being featured as our Customer of the Week!