

Aug 29th 2019

What are the names and ages of your kids? What’s the story behind their names?

Our daughter, Phoebe Jeanette, just turned one. Her middle name – Jeanette – was the name of my grandmother, who was a very strong woman who survived World War II as a Jew in France. Her first name – Phoebe – was suggested by my husband, who was going to be named “Phoebe” if he was a girl. Alas, he became Alex instead.

A piece of advice you’ve always remembered:

Before you let something minor get under your skin, try to consider whether it will matter in 5 months or 5 years. If the answer is no, maybe try to not let it bother you so much.

What is a good tip every new parent should know?

Ha! I wish I knew. I have received wonderful advice, though, as a new mother. One thing that was most helpful to me was keeping in mind that everything with the newbies is just a phase – both good and bad. Once you get the hang of something, your baby changes. This can be great when your baby is fussy or when nursing is a challenge. But it also reminds you to treasure all of the cuddles and fun times, because those are too often changing.

If you could go on a dream vacation, where would it be? What would you do?

I would love to go back to Paris. I haven’t been in 8 years and I love it there. I love walking along the Seine and people watching.

How do you and your family like to spend time together?

We like to cook, listen to music, watch baseball and garden.

Which Baby Be Hip product is your favorite to send as a gift?

I received the Baby Be Hip personalized burp cloths as a gift and loved them so much that I now send them to my other friends who are new mothers!

Thanks Carolyn for being the Baby Be Hip featured customer this week!