

Aug 30th 2019

Worst Mom Moments..

It’s Girls Night Out and I have an entire table of seven of my girlfriends in stitches telling them one of my “Worst Mom Moments”. It’s so bad that I can’t even bring myself to write down the mistake I made! I will tell you the lesson I learned– “If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t right!” My story not only induced a great laugh among friends, it also started a round robin of “Worst Mom Moments”. I heard tales of two year olds being returned by neighbors, babies left in cars, babies walking down the street while parents were in bed, lost children on beaches… the list goes on. Although these scenarios all ended peacefully and safely and no one was hurt, there is that sense of OMG…. what if….how would you live with yourself if that turned out differently? Somehow, some way, we get through those OOPs! moments and come out smarter and extra careful on the other side. I feel I have that guardian angel who is along for this crazy ride.. She’s been super busy, but she’s glad to be here helping protect my precious little ones! (That, or tremendous luck…. I like to think I have God on my side!) I have been known to say… “Motherhood is the best thing I have ever done and the worst thing I’ve ever done!” All joking as

ide, of course it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever done, but it certainly is the hardest. It’s so important to me to have those GNOs (girls nights out) where we can connect and have a reality check and realize we are all in the same boat and all very, very human. Motherhood is a very scary hat to wear, and it’s not only one hat, it’s several… 

Teacher, nurse, cook, driver, psychologist, nutritionist, laundress, cleaning lady, seamstress, tutor, hairdresser, personal shopper, decorator, Media monitor, referee… I could go on for days….If you are a mother and you wear one or all of those hats, know that you are appreciated! No matter what “they” say, know, when you look in that mirror that you have the best intentions and the most important thing about you is that you love your children and you want the best for them… Period. OK, I know you’re mad at me because I left you hanging with my worst mom moment… (so here goes- aren’t’ you glad you kept reading??) — My youngest was invited to a sleepover and I didn’t really know the parents too well so I told her “No.” (Remember my line… if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right) Well, she came back with “so and so is going” and “so and so will be sad if I don’t come” etc. etc. So, the sucker that I am… I succumbed to the peer pressure and let her go. The next day, as we were driving away from the sleepover I heard about “THE BEST SLEEPOVER EVER” where they were playing waitress at the bar in the basement and serving drinks….you can probably guess what I discovered by the end of the car ride… My daughter didn’t even know what she was drinking! She said it tasted worse than any medicine she ever tasted…. ugh! It really hurts to write this down. You get the gist…. It took me a few days to tell my husband what transpired and another few days to forgive myself. Anyway, when I retold the story to my friends, well, we were able to laugh and learned another life lesson. It’s good to have my girlfriends with me along this journey of Motherhood and hopefully the next time we get together, I will be the one learning from somebody else’s big mistake! I had my turn… Next!